
Portal practice

I liked portal practice, because I liked the way that you could teleport to different places to collect the gem and toggle switch. Swift playgrounds is nice because I like the functions and I like the fact that it adds new things whenever you complete something. Some of these levels were a big challenge like the one where you had to figure out how to turn around by using turn left that was hard but I eventually got it and that was fun.

A day in the life of a child in an informal settlement

A day in the life and home of a child in an informal settlement My name is Sipho, and I live in an informal settlement in Du noon. And here’s the thing, I don’t have a warm roof over my head so My life would be better, sorry way better if I had a warm roof over my head that has no leaks when it rains. And a warm house, with proper walls that keeps my family and I warm throughout Winter. And If I had a shower so I don’t have to wake up 4 in the morning to get water to wash up for school. Another thing that is hard for me, is that I don’t have much clothes to wear for school, such as shoes I’m always cutting my feet on the way to school and on the way back because of all the litter. I also struggle doing my homework, because I have no Electricity therefore I have no lights so I struggle to see my homework and have to go and sit under a lamp post just to see my homework. But I also have some positives in my life, I get to hang out with my friends after school for a bit and play Cri

The singing inspector

The singing inspector So last week the singing inspector came over, and boy is that guy the devil. Me and benny were horrified. (That means I’m charles) We had to sing a song in front of everybody in the class, and on top of that he made us look like idiots I mean he even called us idiots, and we didn’t know one single song.   2. So then I just said we could sing Pretty Polly but of course the bull of bashan shouted “Then sing it!!!’’ So we began to sing I even got the words wrong in a very low voice. And benny didn’t make things better. He sang in the squeakiest voice ever. And I hate to admit but we did sound pretty horrible. And then in the middle of the verse me and Benny just stopped because we were horrified. Then our turn was finished and didn’t have to sing anymore.

table view soccer club practice

My first practise back at table view for 2018 was Awesome because the minute I got there all I had to do was run around the field twice then we played a practise match against each other. And I set up a goal!!! on Sunday the 25th of March 2018 I am going to play a Fives soccer tournament in Century City. And before that on Saturday I had A and B trials for my club Table View. Also after my Fives tournament my friend Connor Peterson is coming over for a Braai. For Easter weekend 2018 my other friend Connor Merryweather is coming with me to this cool place and we are going to camp there for 5 days in a tent that is kept in my Grandpas camper that my sister and my Grandparents are going to